Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ryan.... weird, huh??
I'm going to have more time to Junque as of today - for the next nine months anyway. My four kiddos all headed back to school this morning! August 12th!! 106 degrees!! Whose idea was this?? This was a rough one - let me tell you that I only thought sending a 5 year old off to kindergarten was hard...try sending that one off to his LAST first day of school 12 years later....BOO HOO!!! I didn't realize it would hit me so hard. I've been feeling a little weepy anyway. My oldest looks like Zac Efron's twin - no lie. I went to see "Charlie St. Cloud" this weekend - it was like watching my son hurting on a 30 foot high screen. The resemblance is FREAKY.
Anyway - I'm crafting a back to school - crazy quilt like backpack for the little one - she is excited and picking out beautiful pieces of old and new fabric. I think I am going to do a quilt out of all of Ryan's old baseball shirts - it will be a LARGE quilt! Hailey - happy as can be to be back with her buds at school and looking forward to heading to Warrenton to Junque with mom and dance the night away at the JUNKORAMA PROM- and my Austin...well - he is a Houston boy at heart - and hopes to be there again soon...wish I could craft him a little happiness right now :(
Have a great one - make the most of it!

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